New Year, New Diet?
Jan. 1 signals a new calendar year, and for many Americans, a “new year, new me” mentality. In fact, according to Business Insider, getting in shape is consistently the most popular New Year’s resolution in the United States. While making lifestyle changes approved by a doctor is not a bad thing, turning to a fad diet to achieve a resolution of getting in shape is not ideal or healthy.
According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, fad diets promise quick weight loss through usually unhealthy and unbalanced dieting. Fad diets can lead to things like gout, poor athleticism, heart disease and—ironically—poor, long-term weight-loss control. If you’re looking to get in shape or lose weight this year, make lifestyle changes that encourage portion control, exercise more, avoid empty calories and eat a well-balanced diet. Keep in mind that forming healthy dieting practices now will keep you on track with your long-term weight-loss goal.
Make Hand and Respiratory Hygiene Your New Year’s Resolution
It’s no secret that the winter months are often accompanied by winter illnesses like the flu and common cold. Following proper hand and respiratory hygiene has always been important to keeping these common winter illnesses at bay, but it’s also essential for protecting yourself against COVID-19.
Keep yourself safe and healthy this winter by following these tips:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water often, especially before and after touching your face, coughing or sneezing, eating and touching shared surfaces.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands when soap and water aren’t available.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or use the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
- Properly dispose of used tissues in the trash.
- Frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces at home and at work (e.g., doorknobs, countertops, faucets and phones).
For more information about keeping winter illness at bay, contact your doctor.
Apple Corn Chili
If the recipe link doesn’t work, copy and paste this into your browser:
Employee Spotlight: Krista Nagy
Seubert welcomes Krista Nagy to the agency’s Surety Department.
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