Publish Date: January 28, 2019
Author: Seubert
Tags: Blog - SeubertU

10 New Year’s Cyber Security Resolutions

Cyber security threats and trends can change year over year as technology continues to advance at alarming speeds. As such, it’s critical for organizations to reassess their data protection practices at the start of each new year and make achievable cyber security resolutions to help protect themselves from costly breaches.

Here’s an overview of some tech resolutions you can implement to minimize your risk:

  • Provide security training
  • Install strong anti-virus software (and keep it updated)
  • Educate on safe web browsing practices
  • Create strong password policies
  • Use multi-factor authentication
  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment
  • Patch systems regularly and keep them updated
  • Back up yoru data
  • Understand phishing threats and how to respond
  • Create an incident report plan

Download a full copy of the Cyber Risks & Liabilities: 10 Cyber Security Resolutions to Reduce Your Data Exposures

Are you interested in taking an extra step to protect your organization? Cyber Liability Insurance can help protect you from digital crime and data breaches. Talk to one of our experts today to learn more about this type of coverage.

  • Cyber